Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day two in SF

Day two was an attempt to catch up on all the "must see" spots before we headed out of the city for a two-day excursion to wine country.

First stop: Chinatown. Lots of traffic, people and smells. Oh, and two guys dancing together on top of some poles.

Next stop: North Beach aka little Italy. We had a great breakfast/brunch outside a little cafe.

We then hopped on a cable car and rode the Powell-Mason line down to union square,

where we took a look at the newly discounted iPhone hotness. It looks worth every penny, give or take $200.

Did something together that we hadn't done in months...watched a movie. The theater was in Union Square, not far from this Costco-sized H&M.

Then hiked our way back home, up and down Telegraph Hill...

We finished the night at a restaurant called "Foreign Cinema." It's a gorgeous outdoor space where the project movies on one wall, drive-in style. This night they were showing Lost in Translation.

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